Applications for new families who would like to interview for 2025-2026 are now being accepted. Click here for more information.

Defending Your Faith with Apologetics
The word “apologetics” is derived from the Greek meaning, “speaking in defense.” This course educates the student in the defense of the Bible by developing interest and understanding in Creation, The Fall, and Redemption. The student will be motivated to apply Scripture to today’s issues, as well as develop their spiritual growth. This course will equip the students to defend foundational biblical teachings against competing worldviews. Topics of study include: Worldview, Creation, The Fall, Redemption, Gender, Government, Science, History, and Arts & Culture.

Required Texts:
Textbook: BJU Press Biblical Worldview Student Edition (ESV)
Tests: BJU Press Biblical Worldview Tests (ESV)
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
Copy/Supply Fee: $20 (given to Ellen Kelsey at Orientation or on the first day of class)
Tuition: $395.00 ($39.50/month for 10 months, August - May)

Ellen Kelsey
B.S. in Biblical Studies
Masters in Theology
Ellen graduated from International Seminary with a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies and a Master of Arts in Theology. She has served in many positions over her years in ministry ranging from music to Christian education for adults and children. Teaching the Word of God is Ellen's passion and God has opened many doors for her to use her gift in the classroom, writing curriculum and speaking at women's conferences. Ellen has also worked in early childhood education serving as an administrative assistant and bus driver for two local daycare facilities. She homeschooled both of her children who are now grown with children of their own. Ellen enjoys traveling, playing golf, and working in her garden.