Applications for new families who would like to interview for 2025-2026 are now being accepted. Click here for more information.
English 4
Using IEW writing concepts and daily grammar practice, this class will give students a strong foundation in writing grammar and style. Students will learn the IEW key-word outline system for analyzing a paragraph, recognizing important information from a source text, and retelling a story or fact-based report in their own words. Additionally, through the Easy Grammar system, students will receive basic grammar instruction (verbs, nouns, prepositions, capitalization and punctuation, sentence structure, etc.), and will complete weekly practice at home with the Easy Grammar student workbook. Applying these concepts through writing, storytelling, presentations, lapbook activities and games is sure to make learning English fun and memorable. This class pairs well with History 4.
Adventures in Writing (Student Book) -
Easy Grammar Grade 4 Student Workbook $14.95 ( **NOT the larger teacher edition – students will need to carry this to class each week and the teacher edition is much too large
Easy Grammar Grade 4 Student Test Booklet $6.95
Copy/Supply fee: $30 (cash or check written to Ashley Knickerbocker at Orientation or the first class - may also Venmo @Ashley-Knickerbocker)
Tuition fee: $350.00 ($35/month for 10 months, August - May or $39/month if prorated or on a 9 month payment plan)
Ashley Knickerbocker
B.S. in History
Ashley began teaching at Bridge Academy in 2015. She was raised in Chesterfield County and received a history degree from VCU. She and her husband, David feel blessed to homeschool their three boys, Nathan (16), Justis (14) and Joshua (9), who also attend Bridge Academy. Her teaching experience began at ICCS Preschool during college and she has continued teaching both at home and in classroom settings since then. She taught art and PE as an enrichment course for Classical Conversations for 6 years and served as a CC lead teacher for 2 years before coming to Bridge Academy. She worked as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for eleven years at Chester Fitness. Both she and her boys love Bridge Academy and look forward to being part of this coop for years to come!