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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can my child stay at Bridge Academy when they do not have class?
    No, your child must be enrolled in either a Bridge Hub or class. Please notify Bridge Academy staff if there are extenuating circumstances which require your student to stay a singular time. We will do our best to accommodate the request.
  • As a parent, what is expected of me if my child is enrolled at Bridge Academy?
    Bridge Academy is here to help support you in your homeschooling needs; we are not here to replace you! We expect you to remain fully engaged and stay on top of your student's academic needs while your student is enrolled in classes. Topics and lessons are presented in class, but class time with your student is limited. This means that your student will likely need additional help at home. Your student's teacher may be able to help or direct you to additional resources as needed if given sufficient time to do so. Please do not reach out to your student's teacher late at night for help on an assignment that is due the next day. Fundraising and volunteer hours are not required, however, there will likely be optional volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
  • Where can I find the tuition and fees associated with each class?
    Tuition and any other associated fees can be found on the course description page for each class. Course description pages can be found through the interactive schedule or the main menu. To find course description pages through the schedule, click on "Schedule" found on the main menu and then click on the course of interest. To find the course description pages through the menu, click on "Classes," choose the subject, and then click on the appropriate class.
  • How do I know if my student is a good fit for Bridge Academy, and vice versa?
    If your student is eligible to enroll at Bridge Academy (see question above), then we recommend submitting an Application to Interview and scheduling a phone conversation with one of our approved staff members. This is the best way to determine a good fit.
  • How many credits does my home-educated student need to graduate?
    From (Home Educators Association of Virginia): Graduation Credits There is no specific number of credits a homeschooler must have to graduate. It is up to the parent to decide when the course of study for the student is completed. At that point, the parent will issue a completed transcript (a record of grades 9-12) and a parent-signed homeschool diploma. If you chose, you could use public school credit standards as a guide, but they are not required for homeschool students. Colleges are accustomed to receiving different numbers of credits from school districts in multiple states. College admissions officers will be looking at the types of courses the student completed–easy or difficult, along with grades, extracurricular activities, and the student’s SAT or ACT scores. Requirements differ from state colleges to private colleges–some schools are more selective than others. You will find admission requirements on college websites. This could help you plan your high school program.
  • Are there athletic opportunities for home-educated students?
    There are several athletic opportunities for your home-educated students. Below are a couple of the organizations with whom our students frequently participate. We do not necessarily endorse any specific organization but would like to help connect homeschooling families with teams that may be a benefit to them. Please be wise as you make the decision to contact or participate with any organization. Central Virginia Homeschool Athletic Association at James River Eagles Homeschool Foundation at
  • Will my child have homework?
    Bridge Academy is "university modeled" in that your student will attend classes a specific number of days and will likely be required to complete assignments for that class on the remaining weekdays. In most cases, your student should spend some time each day completing assignments for their enrolled classes. Please keep in mind that homework for each class will vary depending on the class type and grade level. Core classes such as English, math, history and science will require more dedicated time than that of electives. Your student should spend time each day completing assignments for core classes but will have little, if any, homework for electives such as Culinary Arts, P.E., Dance, or Art. Determining the exact amount of time your student will spend on each subject is challenging as it varies depending on the efficiency of your student and the difficulty of each class. Feel free to reach out to the teacher of any specific class to get a better idea of the required workload for their class.
  • What can I expect after I register?
    iGrade: After all of the required documents have been submitted and accepted, you will then need to activate your iGrade accounts through links sent to your provided e-mail addresses. Each student will have their own iGrade account, and each student must have at least one parent account linked to their student account. A family with multiple students registered at Bridge Academy will have one (or more) parent account that will link to each student account. As an example, a family with two students will have 3 accounts (1 parent account and 2 student accounts) but will receive 4 emails (one for each student account and one for each student account to link to their parent account). Parents will be able to log on to their parent account and easily toggle between their student accounts. Students may not view their sibling's accounts. Invoice: After the iGrade accounts have been created and links have been sent, an invoice will be sent to the parent's email address provided. Invoices will include the registration fee, iGrade fee/s, and tuition for each individual class. Payments can be made through the link included in the invoice or a check may be mailed or hand delivered. Communication with staff: You are welcome to reach out to your student's instructors as you see fit. Emails can be sent through iGrade or from your personal e-mail account. Staff e-mail addresses can be found on iGrade. Your student's first day: If you register after the first scheduled class of the year, you must coordinate with Bridge Academy leadership ( to determine the best day to begin classes.
  • Is my student eligible to enroll at Bridge Academy?
    To enroll at Bridge Academy, you and/or your student must meet the following criteria: Home Educated- Each student enrolled must be registered as a home-educated student. Faith- Bridge Academy is a co-op of Christ followers, and you must have the same core beliefs in order to join us. We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God and that we are saved by grace through Him. It is our goal to honor Christ in all we do, and this should be your goal as well. Behavior- Students that have been suspended or expelled from other academic institutions, whether traditional or another co-op, will likely NOT be allowed to register at Bridge Academy. Students who display an attitude of disrespect or unkindness will not be a good fit at Bridge Academy. Work ethic - Current or prospective students that have several missing assignments may be ineligible to enroll.
  • How do I submit my Notice of Intent (NOI)?
    You can follow the directions provided on the HEAV website.
  • How do I register my student at Bridge Academy?
    Follow the instructions provided in our step-by-step registration guide for new families.
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