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Mastering Middle School: Life & Study Skills
Mom and dad-do you feel like you are on repeat? Middle schoolers-do you feel like all mom and dad do is repeat the same directions, and you feel like you should know what to do and how to do it? Or maybe you aren't sure what the finished product should look like?
In Life & Study Skills, we will discuss topics such as time management, prioritization, money management/saving, social skills, chores and day-to-day life skills. In addition, we will focus on ways to make these necessary tasks fun and engaging, for students AND their parents.
Required Texts: None
Copy/supply fee: $40 (paid directly to Tory Rogers at Orientation or at the first class your student attends)
Tuition: $350 ($35/month for 10 months, August- May or $39/month if prorated or on a 9-month payment plan)
Tory Rogers
Tory Rogers is a Recreational Therapist who has worked in the healthcare field for almost 20 years. She works with students of all different ages and abilities. As God provided room in her personal and professional life, she has also enjoyed homeschooling for the past 4 years. This background gives her confidence in teaching and conducting classes at Bridge Academy. This is her second year teaching at Bridge! When not working, she enjoys time with her family on their farm.