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American Sign Language II
Students will learn more vocabulary (lexicon), structure (syntax) and the meaning of words and phrases (semantics) plus idiomatic expressions of ASL —the language Deaf people use for communication.
Each student will be expected to participate in signing through activities and projects relating to Deaf culture and history.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of ASL 1 or permission of instructor
Text: No book is required. Students will receive handouts to help them prepare for weekly quizzes and exams.
Copy/supply fee: $30 (check written to Shirley Musik due at Orientation or at the first class)
Tuition: $455 ($45.50/month for 10 months, August - May)

Shirley Musik
B.S. HSC & A.S. LA / Certified in CI and IC/TC
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
VA Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Richmond Metropolitan VA Registry of Interpreters for Deaf
Mrs. Musik is a nationally certified interpreter with The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. She has taught Sign Language at the university, community college, high school levels as well as community classes at a variety of churches. She has been in the field of Deafness for more than thirty years and loves to teach willing minds. She was married for 35 years and looking forward to joining her husband one day in their heavenly home. The mother of three sons, seven grandchildren and one great-grandson…so far. She is excited and looking forward to working with the Bridge Academy faculty, staff and students.